fox & mirrors

But Obama also hadn’t explicitly labeled the Bengazi strike as an “act of terror” as early as he claimed, though his comments on Sept. 12 in the Rose Garden indeed included that phrase…


wait, what?
we assert that he didn’t explicitly say it and we also assert that he actually did explicitly say it.

in the same sentence the writer contradicts him or herself.

jesus christ.
what is going on in the world?

two concepts


that’s what the gop wants?

1. rmoney raised five lying sons?
and obama raised two daughters who told the truth.

2. rmoney is for oil and coal?
and obama is for wind and solar.

what a choice.

krugman: boxer?

just like harry reid?

But then maybe Mr. Welch — under whose leadership G.E. reported remarkably smooth earnings growth, with none of the short-term fluctuations you might have expected (fluctuations that reappeared under his successor) — doesn’t know how hard it would be to cook the jobs data.

conspiracy proof

those that say media isn’t biased in favor of corporations…
my question is…

why isn’t everyone talking about the exxon-mobil quote from this week’s debate?
obama was hanging ten there.

surfing usa.
that was like mixing ross perot with orson welles…